Genetic Engineering

It is known gibigenler , An organism features carries information that determines the chemical.
Genes changed a organism gained with the desired properties.
Genetic engineering allows scientists to transfer genes from one organism to take a technology.
This technology, nucleic acid hybridization, recombinant DNA, PCR, cell culture and monoclonal antibody techniques contains.
The most successful DNA techniques and common olanrekombinant; using restriction enzymes "splicing genes also known as" cut and removed, and cut pieces of DNA ligase enzyme in the desired area by using the "vector" name The carrier bacteria plasmid contains the bonding process. More After bacterial plasmid into placement of normal cellular activity of recombinant DNA continue that is provided.
Today, the application of genetic engineering of plants and animals more good and healthy Food, more safe a clean environment and health The development of people presented.

1880 - Gregor Mendel plants work on modern transmitted by genes found attı.Karakteristik the basis of genetic traits.
1950 - Hershey and Chase, have proved to be the genetic material DNA of the cell.
1953 - Watson and Crick discovered DNA's double helix structure.
1955 - Arthur Kornberg and his colleagues have isolated the DNA polymerase.
1961 - Nirenberg and Matthaei discovered that the genetic code. Accordingly, based on a 3 amino acid codes.
1966 - B. Weiss, CCRichardson DNA ligase were isolated.
1968 - K. W. Wilcox, H. O. Smith, and T. J. Kelley first restriction endonucleases were isolated.
1972 - Paul Berg, the virus DNA was combined with the bacterium's DNA.
1973- The first Once a foreign gene (antibiotic resistant) was a transfer of bacteria.
1975 - Asilomar / USA at a scientific conference on the dangers of genetic engineering was the first time.
1976 - first to market genetically engineered products company Genentech is established.
1977 - Genetic manipulation applied to bacteria, which inhibit growth hormone production in humans.
1978 - Genetic fingerprinting keşfedildi.Bu way everyone Tanınabilecekti DNA.
1980 - (USA) "oil-eating baker called" applied to the genetic manipulation of organisms patented the first time.
1980 - the first time in mice gene transfer successfully applied to the treatment of disease transgenic mice model be used.
1980 - W. Gilbert, and F. Sanger method of DNA sequence received the Nobel Prize.
1982 - Industrial-scale product of the first genetic engineering of the insulin produced.
1983 - Barbara McClintock, "jumping genes," I discovered and won the Nobel Prize.
1987 - Anti-squash and tomatoes were patented.
1988 - Mammals on the first patent: Human cancer gene transferred to the "Harvard Mouse".
1990 - Greenpeace's first protest against the patenting of organisms.
1990 - "The Human Genome Project" officially started. Estimated cost: $ 3 billion.
1993 - Jerry Hall, the University of Washington cloning of human embryos world caused a worldwide scandal.
1994 - hereditary breast cancer gene was discovered.
1994 - Brazil nut gene to enhance the nutritional value of soybeans, has caused severe allergic reactions and project banned.
1997 - somatic cell cloned Dolly the sheep was born.
1997 - EU (European Aceefficacy for) applied to the genetic manipulation of food regulation against legalized.
1997 - the first time, genetic engineering applied to food was allowed in the EU: rapeseed oil.
1999 - United Nations (UN Organization) 's applied to the genetic manipulation of organisms due to America's failed trade, biological safety-related decision.
1999 - In humans, containing 33.4 million bp sequence of chromosome No. 22 was completed.
2000 - President Clinton and leaders of the Human Genome Project, human genome DNA sequence, "working draft" of the declared completed.


Benefits of medicine
· Animal People For Organ Donor Must: animal to human organ transplantation "xerotransplantasyon" denir.Genetik engineering of pigs for human organs appropriate studies on these reactions in terms of yapıyorlar.Reddetme successfully taken control of the time these pigs economic will be organ donors.
· Gene Therapy Against Brain tumor: The aim of gene therapy "suicide gene" öldürmektir.Bu kind of tumor cells using genes known as tumor cells bearing the shape of the genes into a cell poison drug kills the tumor.
· Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B virus blood through bulaşır.Örneğin small wounds or protection patients with chronic hepatitis B vaccine in 1982 without any sexual contact with the blood of ile.İlk very Processes complex derived from edilmişti.1986 'Since this vaccine, easy GM yeast cells are manufactured using a processle.

· Bubble Boy Bubble Boy, as a result of gene mutation ADA-Adenosine also caused by a lack of ***** z is not a disease and cause immune system cells in patients treated olur.Hastalığın ADA and bone marrow transplant in 1990, copied from the ADA enzyme inactivated virus verildi.Virüs yapılmaktaydı.Ancak with the patient's T-cells to settle, çoğaldı.Bu treatment was successful.

Account different Actions of Genetic Engineering: The murder cases, forensic (and criminals follow the law last used in the technical) teams, offense mahalindeki hair, Semen, blood, nail samples RFLP'leri review (Restriction Fragment Length polymorphisms) and compare different the ones used for the determination of paternity detected by RFLP analysis ederler.Aynı time.

Nutrition Benefits
· Position food: GM food is produced. Pumpkin, yeast, potato, soybean, tomato, tomatoes and strawberries are very sensitive to cold mısır.Örneğin Sea fish such as the language of plants isolated from the "anti-freeze" gene aktarıldı.Ayrıca toxin gene kills bacteria and insects in corn and cotton verildi.Gerçekte, 60% of genetic engineering techniques are used in processed foods.
· Decay last-Anti Squash Tomatoes: tomatoes sold in many green and hard to be removed from the field. This pressure-sensitive products such as ethylene deliveries kolaylaştırmaktadır.Satılmadan artificial hormone olgunlaştırılmaktadır.Doğada this matter before the tomatoes are ripe tomatoes decay of the cell wall, squash and tomatoes olmaktadır.Anti cause these hormone genes inactivated the anti-squash and tomatoes in addition to other getirilmiştir.Buna species do not contain genes.
Against Rice · blindness: the only way millions of people in developing countries nutrition because of vitamin çekmektedir.Taze rice instead of fruits, vitamin A deficiency is the main besindir.Pirinç içermez.Bu vitamin deficiency in children is one of the most common diseases that cause blindness açar.Genetik engineering using genetic material to increase the nutritional value of rice, so rice değiştirilmektedir.Bu more vitamin A is a pioneer.

· Low Fat Potato chips: Chips and potatoes are the bodies contain too much fat. Therefore, the situation is now quite kolarili yiyeceklerdir.Bu potato starch değişmiştir.Bilimadamları gene increases the production of potatoes in a change to a successful aktarmışlardır.Bu kızartıldıkları time to do more starchy and less are fat.

Agriculture and Environmental Benefits
First, Plant: Genetic engineering applied to the first plant, the production of petunia was fighting against diseases.
· Traditional crossing Development: Çaprazlaşmayla species barrier-maz.Genetik engineering never surpassed transferred genes will make crossing the crossing gerçekleştirir.Aynı gene transfer between species, in nature, combining the activity of DNA to form DNA of offspring of parents to get along sağlar.Genetik engineering new genes in host cells can easily pass without any basic reference.

Developed Strategies Against · tree worms: worms corn plant tree crops kemirerek inside the cells of the corn crop with the help of 7% of the pesticide-producing gene engineering yokeder.Genetik nakledilir.Dolayısıyla poisoned tree worms, are eliminated.

· Blue Jean And Genetic Engineering: the past, the textile industry, jeans to be washed before painting whiteners used too much water and energy needed duyuluyordu.Bugün using GM bacteria to neutralize the bleaching edilir.Böylece water, energy and time by 10% saving As provided in environment will be protected.

Benefits of Microorganisms
Anti-Freeze Gene: Scientists in Canada tongue Sea fish 'anti-freeze "gene from transplanted salmon balığına ettiler.Bu kültürasyonu could be so cold.
· Genes kullanıldı.Ayrıca reducing fat content in beef meat, cattle against the disease by transferring a gene-sparing antibody was achieved using the exercise to.
Genetic engineering using genes from human and sheep imported sheep's milk used in the treatment of lung cancer was achieved in the production of alpha-1 antitrypsin.
· Four-legged and non-chicken wings were produced.
· Spider silk in goat's milk was produced by transferring genes.


Health Hazards
· Long-Term Safe No Testing: Genetic engineering; organisms never eat human food supply by using the non-material natural değiştirir.Uzun-term tests, one without the basic nutrients of these foods does not know whether it is safe.
· Toxins: Genetic engineering can cause mutations in organisms that unexpected mutations, high levels of toxins and develop new foods.
· Allergic Reactions: Genetically engineered foods can create an unprecedented and unknown allergens.
Value of Nutrient Reduction ·: Transgenic Food counterfeit freshness yöneltebilirler.Lezzetli consumers looking in the wrong direction, a bright red color genetically modified tomatoes and nutritional value may be less than a few weeks.
· Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria: Genetic engineering of antibiotic-resistant GM seeds genleriGM uses to mark the cells shows the genes are resistant to antibiotics carries the genes of a bacteria that may have been infected with us.
· Track Follow-up Problems that can not be: without the tagging to investigate the origin of the problem to find all types of community health organizations kalıyorlar powerless.
· Side Effects May Be Deadly: 37 people killed and 1500 people suffered partial paralysis syndrome linked to tryptophan made by bacteria and GM temporarily because of the more than 5,000 people injured.

Environmental Hazards
Increasing the Use of herbicides ·: Scientists have made genetic mühendisliğince herbicide-resistant plants, the presence of herbicide use saptamışlardır.Çiftçiler increase the amount of seeds they know can tolerate herbicides, use them generously.
· More Very Pesticide: GM seeds are often own pestisitlerini do and EPA (Environment Protection Authority) as a pesticide by the food and our fields sınıflandırılabilirler.Bu strategy will more than ever pesticide.
· Ecology Loss Can See: GM organisms in food chain in the effect of damaging the local ecology of natural flora organisms verebilir.Yeni relatives can make a successful race, and may cause changes in the environment never before seen.
· Gene may disappear Population: Once the GM organisms, viruses and bacteria that is released to the environment to bring them back together again possible değildir.Kimyasal or negative effects of nuclear controlled ***** syondan geridönüşümsüzdür different.

Agricultural Hazards
Widespread famine · Seed: Genetic engineers to provide GM seeds patentleyerek niyetindeler.Buna profit by a farmer when all the seeds of the GM seed axis olacaktır.Sonuçta have the same genetic structure of these special seeds to attack fungi, viruses or other harmful insects will develop widespread seed shortage .
• All food stocks Threat Eder: Insects, birds and wind genetically modified seeds mühendisliğince pollen from neighboring fields or natural seeds of plants and wild relatives taşıyabilir.Transgenik far pollen can çaprazlaşması.

Besides these, there are some doubts at the root of this technology:

· A technique used to insert DNA fragmentini sensitive, unreliable and uncertain.
· Sting operation known effect on the host cell biotechnology.
· Environmental impact GM organisms known.
· Eating GM foods will not be known domain.
Do not have a complete idea about what can happen · Risk.
· Disaster If you do not have to be compensation.
· This negative results if you have one-to-who legally responsible not even retain the exact not.

After all "Is genetic engineering safe?" I can think of a question:
Security, experience, know-how in the case of gelir.Genetik engineering, security, sufficient to justify the claim that the time required for the accumulation of experience and there is discussion of the community.