Genome Project

Science world  life in a new development that will upset the people human DNA by signing was able to decrypt. Issued by "gene map" vanish due to heart disease and cancer, and human life increase the quality WILL LIVE LONGER. A new milestone in the history of science is development, scientists are working on for almost ten years  biochemical changes in human genes were obtained by dissolving the password.

U.S. President Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, they  carried out a joint statement that the human genetic map to be resolved Announced the completion of the first phase of the Human Genome''Projesi''nin. Upon deciphering Alzheimer until cancer genes so far başedilemeyen will cure many diseases. Quality of life  will increase the human life WILL LIVE LONGER.
U.S. President Bill Clinton, as a result of international studies of people   revealing the map of genes, the largest in history   One of the inventions, describing it as "God's life    created by the language we learn today, "he said.
Clinton, in his speech, the removal of genes that map, a large   Italian mathematician, astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei inventions    stating that it has equal importance, this discovery of cancer, diabetes,  Opened a new era in the treatment of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease    told. Human gene map of the removal,       the discovery of antibiotics is a greater success   explaining, "This is the first giant of the 21st century technological  victory, "he said. Gene map revealing, especially the American, British, Long-term studies of German and Japanese scientific institutions   was achieved as a result. The French and Chinese scientists in this study       contributed.Everything in 1953, two scientists a kind of living cell       began his discovery of the DNA genetic code. British scientists       Francis Crick and American colleague James Watson, Discovery of DNA,''they said they found the secret of life''. Everyone was looking at them with suspicion, but were right a hundred percent. Cell   DNA in the nucleus of a human eye color, skin color, body       to determine various physical properties of the longitudinal nature of the       In addition, an important role in health and life expectancy  playing.

What is the Human Genome Project

Project is supported by 18 countries, of 1990       began in October. The aim of the project is the human gene map, ie       genetic decrypt.

What is a gene map

Every human has trillions of cells. Cell In the core of human physical and health status determines the       chromosomes, chromosomes, have the DNA. This genetic code''science''  it said.

What does DNA

Rotating on its axis and ropes connected to   mother and father received a suspended ladder-like DNA helix 23'er       has a chromosome. Approximately 100 thousand genes carried by chromosomes,       Is located on the DNA helix. Genes are a small portion of DNA       form.

What does Genes

Genes of human hair color, height, number captured a person's life up to foot diseases   determining the chemical substance that allows the secretion of proteins.

How much of the complete genome

Until now deciphered 99 percent of the DNA   was. But until now it's just 21.1 percent of the 's of how it works   resolved. Percentage 65.7 percent even though the crude. In this section, the remaining sub-units of DNA    is to completely decipher all genes and sequencing in 2003   expected to be completed.

How this discovery will help our business

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases   easier. Diabetes, heart, cancer, such as the death of millions of people each year   causing preventable diseases can be diagnosed very early on.

What is gene therapy

Disease-causing mutant   Trying prevented disease gene was restored. Correct gene sağlıklısı instead of being injected. With Human Genome Project, researchers  until now, Alzheimer's, hereditary breast cancer such as bowel and  are important genetic information about disease.

Why is the genetic maps of animals Extracting

The operation of mouse and fruit fly genetics    There are many similarities between insanınki. Their genetic structure    to decipher, to facilitate human understanding.

Of Health to work out what the gene map    will help
Gene  map, biyoarkeoloji, anthropology, evolution and historical migration process     facilitate understanding. In this way, when people,  migration from that, who can learn that we are relatives.

Genetics Dictionary
Genetic code: Cell nucleus   chemical formula is written. Dioksiribo Nucleic Acid (DNA), called   This code consists of phosphate and sugar. Except for identical twins  2 million people likely to have the same password in two genetic  one.

Gene: Greek birth or the beginning   means' coming genos'tan. Life in the genes that determine the DNA       helix is ​​located. However, genes of DNA is 2% to 4%.  The rest of the 'free' DNA is called. Between 28 thousand and 140 gene is believed to be.

Chromosome: In humans, the genes carrying       There are 23 pairs of chromosomes. From mother to child during Fertilization 23       chromosomes, 23 chromosomes from the father is. Fertilization occurs in the XX       gender of the baby girl, when the male is XY. Chromosomes       added to each strip consists of 160 billion miles.

DNA sequence: DNA microscope       shows up in under four. These are A, T, C and G referred to the letters.       All living beings are composed of these letters arranged in side by side. These directories       There are 3 billion different combinations.

Gene therapy: Human gene   defective gene restored transfer of the disease or treatment   to be called gene therapy.
DNA   alphabet A, C, G and T consists of the letters. Array of letters, just   side by side to form a word, such as letters from the gene codes   are creating. Each of the three-letter code
represents the amino acid

In humans  The combination of 20 different amino acids in proteins, producing block. Different       combinations of the proteins, such as keratin or hemoglobin   put forms. As is known, the hair keratin, hemoglobin in the blood   constitutes the main protein.

People make the difference between   DNA
rate of 2 per thousand So even if the same genes at this rate, all the people   exactly resemble each other like twins.

One person every second of the day a letter of the gene map   While undergoing memorized, a hundred years to memorize all of the map    would be necessary.

Structure of the human gene şempanzeninkine   meets 98 percent.

0.0001 for each cell in the human    an inch in the structure of DNA nearly two meters in length compressed   per condition, and they all fit the size of a pin.

Letter of DNA code of genes in each cell have a full 3 billion. If the body   There are 100 trillion cells.

When DNA sequence in the body between the Sun World   can reach 600 times the distance. (About 160 billion miles.)
GENOME    Brought
Genome all the chromosomes in a cell with genetic information.

Gene map obtained from the cells as pure DNA molecule  to have all the nucleotides (up to 3.2 billion) order       DNA studies have also determined that kapsar.Böylece  molecular structure and functions of all genes will be identified.

Technology into the human body. I do not display normal resistance to accept       is a good idea. Maybe in the future will develop very different things. But in these days of       We live in the excitement of an invention.

The world's most advanced in the six countries working in 16 laboratories  Genome project was completed 1190 runs in pursuit of the specialist for 13 years  reported and remains secret to this project to result in human   decipher all the genes are described.

Think of a seed when sown in simple terms how a fidana  it will have bilincindesinizdir. Only this time the genetic traits  Upon deciphering all the details of seedlings   height, width, number of leaves, folds format       How many branches would be awarded, each able to know the number of sheets.

In addition,  identification of seeds and necessary directions you do not like it that you want to mutation,       as desired  yeşermesini    at  the opportunity to provide   will be available.

Described in   conditions on individuals in everyday life have the chance to apply    edebilsek, fakirle in a sense - rich, beauty and ugliness   to balance the principle of equality is based on the concepts of genetics and   be able to provide the emergence of justice.

Deep   astrological perspective on the implications of human impacts   in a sense, at least partially (may be completely disagree) düzenlenebilecektir.

Human   necessary for the intelligence of the mind, beauty, in a sense, the supply of  Consider brought a certain level, I wonder who did the wealth   eliminates How to obtain?

These genes make up a very important provision in the face of a problem    Mutated genes-in-the provision is required.

Divine    be able to decipher the order and order is a difficult thing to accomplish.
To be fair, however, to obtain the desired options, gaps, weaknesses  off-balanced, stable, make it seem impossible.  Even if the capacity of all problems that need access to Science  desired options in terms of time and economic conditions   is not easy to implement. In fact, as close to impossible.

Today   A period of six months for heart surgery, the citizens of a close  well I guess they expect  all of us       by a well-known phenomenon.

This   conditions, the desired qualities of a human being from the gene map   How long reach, supply / demand be met met   have a good think.

Everything Despite the development of the genome only, not properties of human   by the existence of energy fields and energy in its absolute   We can supply the gene to be deciphered.

This   tendency final point, all the qualifications and to the meaning and nothingness   the road is located.

Genome  evaluate progress on only human, only   "Bilinebilirliğe" restoring to ensure the triumph of popular science  Even if accepted as true at this stage can not waver.

Genome   this is not right.
Its purpose should not be this way.

If the   durulmaz on scientific reasons, is taken based on the universality of science   All the power of  universal    expenditure will need to be able to decipher the gene. The presence of fully   scientists' eyes to the sky to detect clusters of stars   perpendicular magnetic fields makes sense.

Science  One of the tasks to be open to new people all at   enthusiasm and effort of their application must be in.

Eternity means to reach to get rid of uncertainty.