Gene Map

Human gene map project to the finish line geldi.Bu project cost of $ 250 million of the most expensive so far, the most comprehensive scientific study. Supporters of the research, as a result of removing all of the map, as well as the extension of life expectancy, cancer in the solution of the problem of baldness, depression, until bunamadan fundamental changes in the treatment of many diseases and definitions of different heights could reach out and anticipate the concept of fate. Those who oppose the privacy setting to end human life, work and work will start in his life concerned that genetic racism. The only thing that is certain in these days of the project to be completed, the finish line to take on the work of the most yarayacağıdır biotech industry.

Five laboratory officials working in the field of human genes to be deciphered, until the last day as a routine every Friday morning at 11.00 by telephoning each other, giving information about the developments. 3.2 billion human DNA molecule in the middle of March, two billion of the chemical dolayındaki read condition. In other words, approximately two-thirds of the study was over. Over 1,100 people (computer experts, biologists and technicians in a professional army consisting of) working on the project began three years ago. Six countries, six in the laboratory on a large part of ongoing studies funded by the U.S. government and the British Wellcome Trust. Close interest in this topic and to confront the state and the speed of the race before the finish line artırınca shield the private sector, private sector, public officials who feel the breath of his neck, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week working up to twelve thousand cellular molecule has reached the speed of reading. And about 90 percent of the current map in June, 99.9 percent of the 'hood accuracy was announced.
Now, the basic laws of human life to be determined; Homo sapien, the secret source of life, will be the light of day. Described as a result of information, 98% of human genes show similarities şempanzeyle, material world is the last link in evolution of man as a result of a particular model of evolution to this point and logical reasons that the show is based on.
Biologist Walter Gilbert of Harvard University, speaks about the project as follows:''the human being so understood what it meant.''
This information will create a revolution in medicine, such as stock market favorites among the biotech industry to spawn.
Apple in 1977 as the first home computer out of the market when, after years of no one predicted the Internet would not enter into our life, so. Similarly, the emergence of the entire human genome and human identity and how they affect our lives very difficult to estimate right away. However, in terms of diagnosis and treatment, doctors will have the great source of information. For example, the information registered on a biyoçipin, elderly people, prostate cancer, Alzheimer'a yakalanmayacağımızı caught the disease by type of drug will be responding to what our bodies can learn. Scientists have a wound healing, the growth of baby's organs, hair loss, look at the sides of the case kırışması learn which genes entered into. Thus, these genes will increase the possibility of intervention or action taken will provide the treatment. Dolls, sperm and eggs can be designed before they met. Employers, employees will elect the man while the genetic structure of the genetic structure of the business people who will not ratify. Officials from the Sanger Centre near Cambridge, John Sulston, said:''next ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years of human gene map will form the basis of biology.''
Gene map of the form of''genes''ATGCCGCGGCTCCTCC, described the arrival of the letters side by side. Each letter, adenine (Adenine), Sito (Cytosine), guanine (Guanine), thymine (Thymine) represents such a molecule. Muscles of the skin, liver, lungs, the human body every cell carries a copy of the same DNA. Creates a total genome DNA in the cells of a living species. Genetic Age''as''isimlendirebileceğimiz era, homoseksüalite, risk-taking, shyness, anxiety, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and personality traits, such as the detection of a gene for each of the special, but the actual existence of a gene proteins that cause. A's, T's, Os and creates G'ler code. Tripartite teams in each case, a special mechanism within the cell leads to capture a specific amino acid. For example, TGG, is to catch the amino acid called tryptophan. Sufficient amounts of amino acids bring them side by side, you get protein (stomach enzymes to digest food, korbonhidratları to metabolize insulin, leading to depression of brain chemicals, such as sex hormones started adolescence). In this case, as a regulation of genes. The difference is, on the basis of molecular-write the instructions here. Eighty thousand is the average gene in humans and the similarities between us, the ratio of 99.9 percent. This also means that thousands of chemical letters in one of Woody Allen 's Bruce Willis' creates a skin that separates the genome.
More complete, though, the architects of the Human Gene Map Project, out of the forefront of biology, other disciplines would be in shoe Checkers argues. Unwanted child is the beginning of the project, then the Department of Energy officials, Charles De Lisi 's efforts slowly began to take shape. At first strongly criticized the study, biologists, ninety-seven percent of the human gene map saptanamayacağını claimed individually. What was the meaning of this''waste''of DNA analysis? Especially what's garbage, what distinguish between genes that varamadıktan then what good would remove the human gene map? However, after lengthy discussions, the U.S. Congress sağlanınca financial resources, scientists presumed to be completed in 2005, the foundation of the project have posted in 1988. In the meantime, May 1988, the gene hunter J. Craig Venter, Celera, called the private company argued that by establishing a human gene map will complete within three years. This initiative, Francis Collins, head of the American Institute of Human Gene Map 'I warned that the path should hold in your hand quickly. They should be in the middle of the project, have completed three percent of people yıldırmadı Collins, on the contrary, has triggered. Stages of control over the elements and evidence oyalanmamaları warned. In October of 1998, outline the project in 2001, indicating tamamlayacaklarını Collins, in the coming spring months of March 1999, it drew on.
Completion of the human gene map what does it mean? MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Eric Lander of the Whitehead Institute, the periodic table of elements, likens this work was prepared at the end of the 1800s. Genomics'', I think the periodic table of biology''said Lander, scientists announce all the events with the help of this list suggests. This list fits on a CD-ROM. Currently, DNA samples of patients, scientists, fluorescent molecules on a chip tied serpiştiriyor example glass. Glass chip gene is known to over ten thousand pieces. The laser beam reads the fluorescence of the chip samples taken from patients, which appears to be on the known genes. In recent months, with the help of this method muscle tumors of different types of leukemia, which is a lethal type of prostate cancer, from brain neurons is depressed and normal brain, it may be possible to identify the difference between the neuron.
The history of mankind, DNA registered. Followed by migration of DNA by detecting differences in the way''to determine the possible Lander,''she speaks,''the scientists, the former Phoenician traders left behind when they visit the Italian ports of chromosomes recognize''he said. Similarly, genetic data, Lembaların living in South Africa, the Middle East 2,700 years ago, the thesis that supports children of the people of the Jewish immigrant. Connaught at 98 per cent of the Irish living in Ireland for four thousand years ago, hunter-gatherer communities settled in this way was the catalyst for coming.

Ethical concerns
To decipher the book of life, unfortunately, brings about moral issues. Genetic understanding of our codes, also strengthens the possibility of shaping the human species by human hands. Biologists prepare a list of spare parts by using genomic science, I treat parent candidates''unborn children'', the scientists of their information, the desired characteristics, body structure and cognitive ability can produce people.
This situation also brings many problems in practice. Easier to change ourselves and our children, the reduction in tolerance to accept those changes can be undergone. Lori Andrews, Department of Law, University of Kent, "with the help of genetic tests, intelligence failures, obesity, short neck (and other undesirable characteristics) to know in advance if the societies, the mother and father by the birth defects is allowed to start to see small children?" Asks the question. Already, some doctors and nurses, defects can be diagnosed before birth mothers and fathers of children born, what they bring to the world for their children is that they will be criticized and even seems to condemn. Assuming that all parents of prospective children ısmarladığını in the world, what a combination thereof, such as occurs in a world already knows. In the meantime, the body resistance against disease provided by some other known disease genes. For example, the type of anemia known as sickle cell anemia, malaria is the resistance. In this case, no anemia gene to eliminate the malaria epidemic is causing? Extend this question further,''bad''to knock out genes, evolution, how does it affect? Here is one of the most important issues to be dealt with.

Problems in the implementation phase
Genome project and human resources, insurance companies are beginning to use genetic information against people's concerns in line climbs steadily. Assume that the great dangers on the horizon of public research is systematic, the rumors are not able to get the front. Many people carry a gene for a deadly disease can be excommunicated by the insurance companies. Another person, disposable work for the same reason by the employer. Thirty-nine state of the United States on the basis of genetic tests now to arrange the insurance policy, according to the results of genetic testing on the five states are banned from work stickers. However, employers and insurers, the legislation vulnerabilities exploited, genetic tests continues to secretly investigate. In 1999, according to a study in the United States thirty percent of middle and small sized companies, promoted and dismissed the employees stickers benefits from genetic testing.
Completion of the Human Genome Project will bring another problem people. People learn the functionality of genes, now what to think about themselves? Most likely the beginning of the crime of the genes will install all the negativity. In humans, saying that a greater tendency towards fatalism Collins,''this is the genome project will provide kolaycılığı. Genes to be installed as a scapegoat''he says.
At present stage of genomic science nativity. Curtain time completely disappeared, with what our children will face bilinmiyor.Bugün mystical circles yet even in the face of developments in the gene can not conceal his astonishment. Nonetheless, the gene for the subject to be monitored carefully.