Watson-Crick model, genetic information, nucleotides in the ranking is determined in a certain order in a generic way, and explains dölden offspring inherited this way. Such self özgüözellikleri species is determined by its genetic structure of the protein and enzyme molecules are released Upon synthesis.
Genes on DNA, protein synthesis necessary orders, but through an intermediary molecule transmit setup. RNA molecule of this tool. Protein chain of each amino acid to be placed instead of a base group of RNA on the 3-encrypted. This 3-structure codon call. Only 4 kinds of nucleotides ( A, C, G, T ) is to organize 20 or more amino acids, nucleotides, composed of one or two codons = Stay ıplar will not be enough. Because the two would come in 4 kinds of nucleotides that the combination would give 16 types according to the 16 kinds of amino acids in the protein chain yöneltebilirdi instead. However, organisms are more than 16 kinds of amino acids. Composed of three nucleotides for each amino acid TRlPLET '= three bases , 4-nucleotide If we take into account gives you 64 kinds of combination. This is more than we need for the cell provides a code series. In fact, some have degenerated, and 6 different triplet codes that are specialized to the same amino acid
For example, this is as lösinde situation. However, each synonymous codon of amino acid insertion into the activity of proteins are different. In fact, three letters at the beginning of life is possible despite the use of binary code, and in this case, at that time, only 16 kinds of amino acid used.
2. At B
1. Base
Science (Phe)
Sys. (Cys)
Los. (Leu)
trace. loess. (With)
Lis. (Lys)
Glis. (Put)
Bilateral triple case letters can be lethal to beat. For this reason, three letters initially, but bilateral cooperation and codon used. Initially, two-letter coded amino acids encoded two letters still continues today. Asparaginin has been in place only code changes. In the past, detecting asparagini AGX (X, any base) today, serine and arginine also identifies.
Most likely, some amino acids, such as trp or met the first (prebiotic) living environments are not available. Evolutionary steps of a total of five amino acids with other amino acids were **** bolize. They are:
• -------> Asp Asn (N = Asp)
-------^ Glu Gln (= GluN)
Fog (= Cys Met )---»-.
Trp Ser --------*».
Science (= Phe) -> - Tractor (= Tyr)
The remaining 15 amino acids present in the environment, and therefore the two-letter code that was enough.
Then go to the amino acid codons causing variations increases, the trio was born requirement. This is a hereditary evrimdi structure. But for many kinds of amino acid (usually found before the evolution of amino acid variants) triplet two-letter code from the beginning and the last letter is sufficient, no matter what the privatization of the amino acid change. This shows us once used the two-letter codons. Some codons to give the password, not just used to mark the commencement and completion of protein synthesis. Genetic code was universal. Viruses to human studies with the same bases in the same order (as DNA and RNA), that is, all organisms have the same codons causing the same amino acid is specialization.
Code size and the amount of information carried by an organism's genetic material can be estimated length of, for example, bestowed the length of the entire genome of about 92 cm. more is learned before. This is approximately 3 x 109 nucleotide pairs, and therefore is equivalent to 109 codons causing. Medium-sized protein, made up of 150 amino acids, according to a normal human cell has a capacity of about 6 × 106 different protein kodlayabilecek.