What is RNA, DNA

What is RNA, DNA

DNA deoxy nucleic Ribbon Acid by a kind of Molecule abbreviated group isimidir DNAOf the double-stranded DNA chain is very long rope ladder benzemektedir.Çift zincirdir.Bu chain-chain structure in the cell special Enzymes and Protein through with packed.

•Double nucleotide array consists of (a spiral ladder as), And together the two series of weak Hydrogen are connected by bonds. Between adenine and thymine 2, guanine and cytosine are hydrogen bonds between the 3.
•Self-spouses (as semi-conservative) and provides inheritance.
•Each nucleotide Phosphate, Deoxyribose and Nitrogenous consists of organic bases.
•The amount is equal to the total amount of purine primidin Total (A + G = T + C). The amount of adenine thymine (A = T), the amount of guanine cytosine (G = C) are equal.
•Guanine, cytosine and adenine with thymine makes co. (~ Primidin with purine)

DNA Mapping (synthesis)
DNA Synthesis of the interphase chromosomes before cell division occurs in stages disappear on and on.
DNA self eşleyeceği time weak hydrogen bonds in the middle zipper as opens. Cell more prepared before the free nucleotides, in the face of the drop-down yarns appropriate settled areas. This TTP nucleotides, such as GTP energy nükleotidlerdir. Two high-energy phosphate bond is dissolved. Monofosfatlı nucleotides are placed in appropriate places with Dropped energy. DNA synthesis requires energy expenditure a event.
DNA belonging to a thread new of mold is to form the yarn is called Semi-Protected Mapping.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
Occurring in connection with single-stranded RNA nucleic ribonukleotitlerinbirbirlerine Acids. When compared to the lengths of DNA molecules more short. Almost all the cells are located in abundance. Both have prokaryotic RNA in eukaryotic cells are usually found in three main classes. These mesencır RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA) is. All single-stranded RNAs special a base sequence, a characteristic molecular weight and a specific biological function to fulfill.

The genetic information stored in DNA, Protein served as a means of transferring the structure of moldings a molecule. mRNA, ribosomes and DNA, the genetic clings to password sentezlenecek Protein the amino acid sequence has been determined. Each mRNA molecule, a specific region of DNA called a gene located on the show with the komplementerlik. About 10,000 in a single eukaryotic cell different mRNA Molecule and each of them are contained in one or more sentezlemektedir more polypeptide chains.

Transfer RNA (tRNA)
also occurred with tRNA'lar be polymerized ribonucleotide, very curves showing the single-chain structure a RNA variety. tRNA'lar clover-like leaves three dimensional shows a double-stranded structures in place. In the chain area The number of ribonucleotide between 70 and 99, molecular weight between the 23,000 dalton ile30.000. Each of the 20 amino acids in nature for There are at least one tRNA molecule. by acting as an adapter, the amino acid tRNA'lar tie up the ends of the ribosome attached to mRNA carries kodono Dizer polypeptide chain. tRNA'lar three bases called anticodon ends occurring again with the codon on the mRNA called the transient binding to the region of amino Acids According to the password on the mRNA right provides a way dizilmelerini.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
RNAs, ribosomes and the main structural Element constitute approximately 65% ​​of the weight of the ribosome. 3 types of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells are the 4 types of rRNA. Ribosomal RNA structure and function of ribosomes important rpller play.
In addition to these two kinds of eukaryotic cells RNA more There. The first of these heterogeneous nuclear RNA (HnRNA) tant issue. They are synthesized in eukaryotic cells and the mRNA precursor molecules do not undergo the process. Secondly, small nuclear (snRNA) is the precursor mRNA molecules, and still emerge during the process suffers.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Genetics, molecular-level events in the cell genetic material serves as the foundation of nucleic acids structure based on their characteristics. The two types of nucleic acids deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid, RNA, DNA is basically the same structural features.

Genes DNA some of the chemical sequences occurred in the nucleotides. The majority are found in chromosomes. In addition, the DNA molecule in prokaryotes (bacteria) non-chromosomal genetic system, The plasmids, eukaryotic cells, chromosomes of genetic material (nucleus) is basically out of (animal and plants) and mitochondria (only Plants and algae) known to contain chloroplasts.

1953 in Watson and Crick of the DNA molecule has its own unique characteristics a double helix structure argued that in case. The researchers suggested that the DNA structure at the DNA introduced by other researchers on important based on the findings. One of them, by Wilkins and Franklin, isolated the DNA fiber X-ray beams to describe refractive properties. The resulting X-ray photographs, regardless of the order of arrangement of the bases of DNA chains, very transformations show that a molecule makes a regular basis. In addition, TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) Studies on the DNA in the study of light kept.

A other important discovery was found by Chargaff. Any a species DNA the amount of adenine nucleotides released nükleotidlerine crashed thymine, guanine or cytosine is always equal to the amount that was to determine the .. In other words, according to Chargaff Rule natural Adeniyi thymine or cytosine guanine ratio of DNA molecules is always equal to 1. (A / T = 1 and G / C = 1).

Here are the findings of Watson and Crick, by evaluating such features DNA of the secondary structure of macro-molecule a model developed. According to this model, a very disclosure of the issue due to be done, these two scientists the Nobel Prize was awarded in 1962.

According to this model
DNA molecule, the helix (= helical) coiled in the form of two arms ladder shape. Arms, ie, the edges of the ladder, sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate molecules form the. Deoxyribose and phosphate groups, ester bonds each other connected. There is a random sorting steps between the two arms; always guanine (G), cytosine (C or S), adenine (A), Timin'in (T) against the income

Both purine (ie, adenine and guanine) and pyrimidine (ie, thymine and cytosine) between the hydrogen bonds, and at other bonds, occurring heliksin ensures smooth. Purine and pyrimidine bases, the adjacent sugars (ribose), glikozidik linked bonds. The base, the combination of sugar and phosphate, the basic units of the core nucleotides gave rise to acids. There are four kinds of nucleotides. They are named according to the personal bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine).

DNA molecule depending on the number of nucleotides that comprise them, changing the size of such species, in the form of long-chain a structure shows. In humans, when the chain length of 2 meters until can reach. Synthesis of sensitive and fragile nature of the chain as a whole because of very difficult.

Two polynucleotide chain sugar phosphate backbone, common a and right direction around the axis of equal diameter right bring about transformations. Backbone of the molecule is located in the inner part of the bases of nucleotides. 90 degrees to the axis of the helix positions Bases Angle situated to make. 3.4 A distance between adjacent base pairs anniversary roll. In addition, each 36 degrees to its neighbor base pair is located. Accordingly, a full 360 degrees about 10 base pairs tamamlayacağından anniversary, each anniversary size 34A roll.

Polynucleotide chain hydrogen bonds with the two nucleotides bound to each other mutually. This bond phosphorus bonds until not strong for pH change, Temperature Pressure as factors can easily be separated from each other. DNA of own make a copy of the gene expression, takes place with separation of hydrogen bonding between nucleotides.

Nucleotides each other phosphate bonds, connecting to a backbone consisting of sugar and phosphate parts of the series have followed each other in a long and gave rise to the branched polynucleotide chains. Covalent bonds, also known as ester bonds or phosphodiester bonds very strong. The presence of phosphodiester bonds DNA single-stranded molecule structure Even while in resistant and ensures a stable structure. One of the goals of genetic engineering and cloning of the studies, natural way, the realization of possible performing non-covalent bond breakage new species include creation efforts.

Structure of nucleotides Alkaline Although oımurgadaki PO4 (phosphoric acid) group of polynucleotide chains in the presence of acid properties they are way The term nucleic acid also caused by this feature on and off.

Hydrogen bonds are always a purine (A, G) and a pyrimidine (T, C) occurs in some of. AT base pairs, two hydrogen bonds, is only 3 hydrogen bonds between GC base pairs are available. Privatization of hydrogen bonds; Key reminiscent of the lock modelinini, appropriate nucleotide molecules to each other mutually came to be connected again with the appropriate number of hydrogen bonds. Thus, an arm of the chain of nucleotides in the sequence, the sequence of nucleotides in a kind of arms against the dictates and controls. Leave no chance of a meticulously created and is controlled by molecular structure.

DNA The molecule important feature is that two polynucleotide chain complementary to each other. Positive (+) And Negative (-) Two polynucleotide chains feature of complementarity, the functions of genetic material right can do, in terms of how to explain DNA'S is one of the most important basic features.

DNA double helix into Value and important a property, forming chains of molecules can be separated from each other easily and re-birleşebilmesidir. Protein synthesis and DNA replication (to form their own copy of) this feature could result. DNAOf the two-chain H bonds and hydrophobic interactions with each other just because they are connected to with covalent bond between the nucleotides can be resolved without any break (denaturation). H bonds between complementary bases solved the same way, the molecule chains combined with the formation of spiral structure, re-create (renatürasyon).

Nucleotides due to rupture of ties between the phosphorus or the nucleotide sequence of nucleotides, rather than go through another nucleotide mutations way açar.Bu mutations, single-stranded RNA Molecule The probability of double-stranded DNA by molecule more fazladır.Mutasyonların consequences can be fatal. Evolutionary development negative or positive effects of mutations that can not be ignored in point. Today, at the beginning of viral diseases of AIDS in front of the most valid reason for geçilememesinin single-stranded genome RNA mutations of the virus through continuous self-renewal can be shown continuously ..

Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA All over the world Live determining the outstanding features of organisms a chemical Articledir.Bir Tree the color of the leaves, the size of a wolf dişlerininin less, or the length of a giraffe Foot the shape of fingers DNA determines.

DNA chromosomes in cell nuclei in all oluşturur.Her a kromozonda, a single, long DNA There molecule.

A DNA single molecule of human a hair fiber a thousand times more hundreds of small-volume, although it is Encyclopedia One contains the information .. DNA molecule containing a specific genetic trait is called a cross-section GEN.

DNA a carries information about the formation organzimanın DNA molecules are found in the cell nucleus and contains the information coded in our body during the formation of all the proteins DNAOf the process of making proteins, are incredibly precise.

DNA twisted molecule a benzer.Her the ladder of a cell DNA genes from both mother and father içerir.Merdivenin ladder steps, thymine (T), adenine (A), cytosine (C), and guanine (G), called bases perfect oluşur.Her regulation of the completion of a phase for a base pair, a particular combination matches. T all the time with A, G A also matches all the time. In contrast, C always with G and G with C matches all the time. THIS match, DNAOf the self-copy operation important play a role.

When the copying process DNA strings are solved and the base pairs each other separated. At this stage, Molecular, benzer.Daha a Zipper is gaping After freely in the thymine (T), adenine (A), guanine (G) and cytosine (C), containing the nucleotides in the array participate eşeleşmemiş bases. T'lerle A's in the Free state, in the free state T'lerle A 's eşleşir.Aynı G'ler C'lerle in the case serbast, and Os G'lerle matches.

Unmatched array Molecules each oneOnly matches certain bases for DNA own excellent üretebilir.Böylece a copy of the old one DNA molecule at the location of a short period identical in the two DNA molecule occurs.

DNA'Copies of the information contained in this way, while a bölününebilir cell of an organism and the information from generation to generation about how oluşacağı past happens.